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Letters to my Daughter May

Dear Daughter,


This is a BIG month for you!  Freedom is headed your way.  School is almost out for the summer and you will no longer be an underclassman.  You are halfway through high school, and the search for a college has already started.  However, you and I both know that the biggest thing this month is the fact that you are turning 16!  How is it possible that my little 7 pound baby girl will be turning 16 at the end of this month?  I find it very fitting that you were born only a few days before the Indy 500 race and I am about to talk to you about driving…  Yes, you have had your permit for a year, and I no longer grip the handle on the door as you drive.  But, there is so much more that comes with driving then just operating the vehicle.

You will soon have they keys in your hand and the wheels underneath you.  Do not forget to look in your rearview mirror.  I am not just talking about the actual rear view mirror.  I am also talking about life.  it is ok to look back at where you come from and realize that there is no need to rush things and grow up to fast.  Your home is always here as you drive away in any direction just look in the rearview mirror, and you will see a home filled with love and support.

I know that you are ready to grab the wheel and take the car out of park so that you can hit the open road with your friends.  I absolutely LOVE that you and your friends have created a summer bucket list.  Just remember that sometimes things go “bump” and you can not always be in control of everything.  My last words of wisdom are things that every parent must say to their child as they enter the world as a licensed driver.

1. Do as I say, NOT as I do! (we all know that I drive too fast….)

2. Buckle up and make everyone in your car buckle up too!

3. Keep your gas tank full ( do not push it to the limit like Grandma and I do)

4. Drive the speed limit ( it is not just a suggestion even if Grandma told you it was)

5. Do not Drink and Drive nor get in a vehicle with a friend who has been drinking ~ call us no questions asked, we will come get you and your friends

6. Have fun, Enjoy your freedom, be responsible



Please continue reading from my monthly blog circle by visiting the blog of Christi Kidd: Christi -MamaSparrow Photography to see what she has to share with her daughter this month.

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