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Letters To Our Daughters | January

I was recently asked to participate in a blog circle called “Letters  To Our Daughters”.  There are actually several of these circles/groups.  All of us are moms who have at least two things in common – daughters and photography.  Each month we will be posting photographs to our daughters.  At the end of each blog post is a link to another blog.  I invite you to read along and enjoy the journey with us.

Dear daughter,

For the past month I have been trying to decide what I would write about in this first letter.  Do I start with the day I found out about I was going to be a mother? Do I write about how I admire your dedication to your  swimming? Do I write about  how sweet and kind you are?  Do I write about all of your crazy faces and your sense of humor? The answer is no… I am saving those for other letters.  Instead, I hope that this months letter will inspire you to think about the future and dream big!

When you were a little girl you would sit on my lap and I would ask you what you wanted to be when you grew up.  Your answer was always the same.  You wanted to be a blanket maker!  We all laughed a lot when you would tell us your goal in life.  During elementary school and middle school you expressed interest in being a teacher or a school counselor.  Now, as we begin to look at colleges you have stated that physical therapy is a career you are considering.

As for me, I thought I wanted to be a pilot like grandpa.  I took one flying lesson and then never invested the time to study for ground school.  As I headed off to college I thought I wanted to be a nurse.  However, I quickly changed my mind.  As you know I eventually decided to get my degree in criminal justice.  Now almost 15 years latter I am running my own business and I am loving every minute of being a photographer.  All of these dreams were made possible because I had the support of Grandma, Grandpa, and your father.

So, I apologize for laughing at your first dream and I want you to know that there is still plenty of time to decide on a career path.  The most important thing is to get your education, follow your dreams and to be not only a good person, but a great person!



Next in the circle is Catherine McAteer.I invite you to follow the chain by visiting her link and read her letter to her daughter.

Catherine McAteer |  Calgary, Alberta  



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  • What an exciting time for you and your daughter. I remember the days of getting ready to move on to college, and how it was with my mom… it scares me to think that just as quickly, my daughter will be at that place too. I hope I can write a very similar letter to her at that time… seems like your daughter has a great foundation and is off to amazing things:)

  • Anne, this is so lovely! No wonder Kayla is such a special young woman! Selfishly, I miss seeing her and cannot wait to have her back in our swim taxi! Much love!

  • I too remember how it felt to be the daughter going off to university and leaving my mom. Now, I can only imagine what its going to feel like as a mom. It was hard enough sending my oldest to preschool! I look forward to getting to know you better. I love the photo of your daughter with her letter. The colours pop and she looks so excited!

  • You’ve given your daughter some wonderful words of wisdom to tuck away. Looking forward to being part of this blog project with you.

  • It feels like just yesterday she was in preschool. I know these next two years of high school are going to go by way too fast!

  • As if you don’t spend enough time at the pool…. However I am sure Kayla would love for you and Emma to come to the conference meet.

  • I love your letter, I really enjoyed how you shared some stories about your own dreams when you were her age. I love the photos too – love the action shot in the pool! Great job!

  • What a beautiful daughter. I’m sure she makes you proud. I look forward to reding more about her over the course of the year.

  • Your daughter is gorgeous 🙂 You must be such a proud mama. I loved the advice you give in your letter. I would have loved letters like these when I was growing up 🙂

  • Such a great letter with great advice. Can’t wait too see more over this year. She is beautiful!

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